Gallery name:
N Gallery
Address 1:
95, Saemaeul-ro, Bundang-gu
13573 Seongnam-si
Republic of Korea
13573 Seongnam-si
Republic of Korea
Image 1:

Jungwoo Hong, A matter irrelevant to you – some dull story, 2019, collagraphy, stencil, drawing on paper, 50 x 35 cm, 1.500 €
Image 2:

Jungwoo Hong, A matter irrelevant to you-a certain building, 2019, Collagraphy, stencil, drawing on paper, 50x35cm, 1500 Euro
Jungwoo Hong, 1981, Republic of Korea
Daekwan Kim, 1965, Republic of Korea
Sundoo Kim, 1958, Republic of Korea
Suh Yongsun, 1951, Republic of Korea
Daekwan Kim, 1965, Republic of Korea
Sundoo Kim, 1958, Republic of Korea
Suh Yongsun, 1951, Republic of Korea