Gallery name:
MOB-ART studio
Address 1:
Avenue de la Porte-Neuve 19a
2227 Ville-Haute
2227 Ville-Haute
+352 691 109645
Image 1:

Bruno Desplanques, Noise of Nature (Bruit de Nature), 2022, mixed painting on wooden tiles, 210 x 210 cm, 22.500 €, series like a noise of nature (comme un bruit de nature)
Image 2:

Genevièce LEVIVIER, Green Tree (detail), 2024, Weaving of wool and natural fibers, 253cm x 43cm, 6.700,00 Euros
Image 3:

Yves ULLENS, Pure Nature #38, Brussels (Belgium), 2017, C-Print mounted on Dibond, black American box + anti U.V. screen, 60cm x 90cm, 5.000,00 Euros, Pure Nature series - N°1/5 (+2 A.P.)
Bruno Desplanques, 1966, France
Geneviève Levivier, 1963, Belgium
Yves Ullens, 1960, Belgium
Luuk De Haan, 1964, The Netherlands
Geneviève Levivier, 1963, Belgium
Yves Ullens, 1960, Belgium
Luuk De Haan, 1964, The Netherlands
Sei Arimori
Thomas Baumgärtel
Daniele Bragoni
Willi Bucher
Eric De Ville
Claire Fanjul
Yanis Miltgen
Monsieur Wolgan
Manon Moret
Christian Neuman
Franca Ravet
Pablo Schwickert
Kei Tanimoto
The BORDERS (R.Caldicott, Haan, S. Knot, N. Luoma, L. Nielsen. H. Otten, Y.Ullens)
Thomas Baumgärtel
Daniele Bragoni
Willi Bucher
Eric De Ville
Claire Fanjul
Yanis Miltgen
Monsieur Wolgan
Manon Moret
Christian Neuman
Franca Ravet
Pablo Schwickert
Kei Tanimoto
The BORDERS (R.Caldicott, Haan, S. Knot, N. Luoma, L. Nielsen. H. Otten, Y.Ullens)