Gallery name:
Galerie Imke Valentien
Address 1:
Liststr. 28/1
70180 Stuttgart
70180 Stuttgart
+49 711 93569622
+49 171 4373788
Image 1:

Katharina Hinsberg, Net, 2023, papercut, crayon, 30 x 27 cm
Image 2:

Katharina Hinsberg, Schraffen (Hatching), 2023, papercut, crayon, 42 x 29,7, KH/P_SCH_2023_007
Image 3:

Katharina Hinsberg, Net , 2016, papercut, graphite, 92 x 79 cm, framed 124 x 109 cm, for the purpose of visibility, this white paper cut has been placed on gray background. It is now framed and has been mounted on white background.
Anna Ingerfurth, 1969, Germany
Jaeyun Moon, 1978, Republic of Korea
Katharina Hinsberg, 1967, Germany
Jaeyun Moon, 1978, Republic of Korea
Katharina Hinsberg, 1967, Germany
Lioba Abrell
Nina Joanna Bergold
Martina Geist
Ingrid Hartlieb
Mathias Hornung
Michelin Kober
Julia Maderitsch
Annemarie Moddrow-Buck
Amely Spötzl
Anne-Sophie Tschiegg
Reinhard Voss
Xuan Wang
Gert Wiedmaier
Nina Joanna Bergold
Martina Geist
Ingrid Hartlieb
Mathias Hornung
Michelin Kober
Julia Maderitsch
Annemarie Moddrow-Buck
Amely Spötzl
Anne-Sophie Tschiegg
Reinhard Voss
Xuan Wang
Gert Wiedmaier